Unity Centre Gallery & Shop
Immersed right in the heart of the old Turkish Baths, the Unity Centre Gallery comprises the central corridor space; providing a hub for visitors to quietly contemplate regular exhibitions/artworks. We also have a shop offering crafts from local artists & makers, creams & oils, jewellery, books and yoga items.

Our Gallery
Throughout time, art in its many forms has reflected the soul, mind and human-spirit of its creator, and many see a powerful and complimentary connection between yoga and creativity. Art and spirituality are woven into everyday life, and through both the creation of art, and viewing the output of others, one can unleash imagination and be immersed in a truth yet unexplored.
It is no surprise that many yoga teachers and practitioners are also artists, and also that increasingly, public art galleries have been introducing kundalini and hatha yoga, meditative practices and relaxation therapy, alongside artworks.
Accessing artistic creativity isn’t always easy, and we hope our exhibitions will inspire visitors, particularly those partaking in treatments and classes. Creativity arises naturally in states of stillness and presence, which can be elusive when we are distracted by lifes daily pressures. This is why yoga is such a gift for those wishing to develop their own artistic expressions.
The creative journey is one in which we expose our souls to the world. This can be a tremendously rewarding aspect of being an artist—to have the opportunity to connect with others on a deep yet subtle level.
Unity Centre Gallery will provide a variety of exhibitions in a diverse range of mediums, changing on a 4-6 week cycle. There will be opportunity for local creatives (in solo and group/themed exhibitions) to show and sell artworks, with a percentage of proceeds from sales to be reinvested back into the Unity Centre’s activities…which will include art therapy sessions. Gallery exhibitions will have very few boundaries, and will include artworks created by children, those with disabilities and learning difficulties…please do follow us on social media for regular programme updates.
Our inaugural exhibition will commence with the work of local artist and yoga enthusiast, Harriet Lissauer.
Art at The Unity Centre
We commissioned the artist Mark Golding to create two pieces for the new Unity Centre, the first entitled ‘Unity’ is described by Mark as:
“The flowering of community arises, as the golden threads of intention weave a pattern of inclusivity and acceptance.
Having met Sevanti at the Unity Studios in Lewes, I was inspired by her beautiful vision, and saw in her eyes a reflection of her soul’s golden flower, and in that moment I realised the form and dynamic of the painting ‘Unity’.
Expansive, Evolving and Eternal – The Paths of Yoga are rooted within the architecture, design and facilities of Unity Lewes, and the ripening of these precious seeds are accelerated by all who enter this sacred space of healing to connect with a soul of Unity.”
The second, ‘Anahata’, Mark says:
“Heart Centred Healing in the shadows of the silver birch held upon the petals of the healer’s heart came the languages of light singing the heart songs of Anahata reflecting the golden potentials of each pure intention to be amplified by wisdom in service of the Perfect Path.”
About the artist Mark Golding
Mark was born in London in 1955, he says… “Life is a flow, a journey of multi-sensory experiences, that I have chosen to record, using the visual medium.”
Each drawing explores a specific intention with regard to the viewer’s experience, with nothing being too obscure, esoteric or wonderful to represent.
Described as ‘Psychoactive Art’ and ‘Healing Mandalas’ his work will engage the viewer on a powerful subliminal level, and activate dormant powers, and create tendencies of inner peace, and initiate profound growth. Considered to be a highly developed exploration of Sacred Geometry, his work has a unique form and manner of visual engagement, and sensory activation.
His work has been sold in America, Europe, Australia, Great Britain and the Middle East, and has been published in book form.
In his time he has been: a hospital chaplain, a poet, an author, a meditation teacher, a dealer in antiques, an art historian and a collector of old gemstones.
Our Shop
The Unity Shop offers wonderful crafts from our local artists and makers. We also sell indulging creams & oils, jewellery, books, yoga items and art from our gallery. We aim for all items to be local, organic and naturally sourced wherever possible.