I am a believer that we all have the ability to be psychic, just as we all have the ability to draw, and run, many of us remain basic drawers and runners but some find they have a talent and can push their ability further.
Have you ever walked into a room and sensed the atmosphere? Or found yourself speaking to someone who is saying one thing but you feel something else? Have you dreamt something that came true? Or gone somewhere you have never been and had a weird sense you have been somewhere before? Have you felt a presence of a deceased love one but feel you are going mad at the thought it could be true? Have you touched an object and felt yourself getting an emotion from touching or looking at it?
I could go on and on with these questions. If you feel you can say yes to many, which is most of us I am sure, then I believe you are psychic.
Have you ever been with a baby who is smiling at the door and no one is there? Or a toddler who speaks to someone you can’t see? I can say yes to this for all my children, and I have spoken to many parents who say the same. I believe we have this ability from birth, this kind of sixth sense, but as we grow this sense dies down because we don’t use it or we fear it.
I have sat in psychic development circles on and off since I was 22, I grew up sensing things no one else saw. As I’ve grown older and learned to develop it better I have developed mediumistic and psychic abilities. While I’m not a medium who always does readings, I do use my senses within my daily life with making my own decisions, and being intuitive within my work.
If you fancy trying to develop this sixth sense within you then come along to our basic psychic development group at Unity once a month.