What does intimacy even mean? Does this just relate to sexual connections? Or is it possible to deepen intimacy with life? How about deepening intimacy with ourselves; what does this look and feel like?
These are just some of the questions we’ll be exploring in an embodied and experiential way during the weekend workshop in 2018.
For me, intimacy is the doorway into deeper and more authentic living with myself, with my partner, with friends, with my community, and with life. It requires me being present, rooted in my body, connected to my feelings, heart and sex; solid in the knowing of my boundaries, my yes, my no, my maybe, able to communicate my needs and desires in situations. Deepening my relationship to intimacy continues to create richness, aliveness, vitality and depth in my life.
Many of us go through life disconnected or shut down from our sexuality through conditioning or difficult experiences. This can create isolation, shame and separation. My work supports self acceptance, deeper connection to others, and more empowered and creative living.
With the individuals and couples I work with in my private practice and workshops, challenges in communication are often at the core of blocks to intimacy. Learning how to effectively express and assert their feelings, needs and desires, opens them to a new kind of relating.
It’s a joy to see more and more people waking up to their innate potential as they deepen their relationship to intimacy.
Charlotte will be running a weekend intro to the Art of Intimacy for singles and couples in February 2018 at Unity Studios. During the weekend you will be invited to meet and connect with others in a safe and nourishing space, whilst gaining awareness and valuable tools to take back into your life.
This workshop includes dance, meditation, physical touch, and sharing as a group. The guided exercises, meditations and processes are designed to connect you more deeply with your feelings and your heart, and encourage you to be more authentic. The workshop supports rich learning about love, relationships, connection and intimacy.
Workshop cost is £170; 10 super early bird tickets at £99 are available.
Tickets can be purchased here:
About Charlotte McLaughlin
Charlotte is a psychotherapist, creative therapist and coach working with individuals and couples in her London clinics and worldwide. She facilitates groups, workshops and retreats in the UK and internationally centred around the themes of intimacy and creativity. She is also a School of Being teacher, having trained with renowned relationship expert Jan Day. www.janday.com