Unity Partner Yoga™ for pregnancy

Unity Partner Yoga™ is particularly beneficial for the pregnant woman to practice with a supportive partner - either her partner, friend, Doula or family member.


All of the same benefits apply as mentioned within the general practice of Partner Yoga, however the practice offers a unique method of deeply connecting with the unborn child, during such a significant and intense time.

The mother-to-be can be supported in a unique and nurturing way, which acknowledges and honours her miraculous capacity to produce and give birth to, a new human being. Postures in pregnancy Partner-Yoga focus on opening the hips, strengthening the legs, releasing strain and tension and relaxing the mind and body. This can optimise the enjoyment of pregnancy, and aids the preparation for labor.

The birthing-partner is shown how to best support the birthing woman, using their own body, and a maternity ball, which is often helpful in childbirth.

Unity Partner Yoga™ for pregnancy DVD

Sevanti has created a Unity Partner Yoga™ for Pegnancy DVD. This features gentle forward and backward bends, spinal twists, lateral bends and balances to alleviate aches and pains and to prepare the body for labour.

Unity Partner Yoga™ for pregnancy at home

Unity can offer one-to-one Unity Partner Yoga™ sessions at your home with either Sevanti, or one of our Unity Partner Yoga™ Teacher Training graduates.