Shamanism, Why is it Different?
I gain clarity and nourishment from what some people call ‘The invisible realms’. I often have a sense of having one foot in this ‘other world’. This is the land of the mythic, a land of story, archetype and myth.
As a shamanic practitioner, I’ve used my shamanic skills and my drum to help me to journey to the places that are connected to unspeakable emotions. When they’re found, they start to emerge into the light, to be honoured and energetically cleared. The strength of this shamanic work is that it can help me view my situation more objectively in terms of light or dark energy.This is how simple it is for the Q’ero lineage I’m connected to.
How Can Shamanism Help?
Only if we dare to widen and change our perception, through spiritual practices and altered state experiences, will we know that consciousness is not local, that the brain and body are only our current vessels and that the underlying reality consists of an energetic web, a symphony of interconnected frequencies.
(Mackinnon C p291, 1994)
The land of the mythic connects us to our imagination and offers a golden thread that journeys through life with a creative spark. For me, shamanism has helped me to discover this thread and be aware of clearing the traps, roots and blocks that hold me back on a generational or ancestral/karmic level.
What Does Shamanic Journeying Do?
In essence, the shamanic journey is a way of using rhythm and intention to access the mythic and spiritual realms, through an altered state of consciousness. Often, when I need to find a balance between the inner and outer worlds, drumming or journeying can help me to connect to deeper aspects of myself. Traditionally in a shamanic journey, a person can access advice and help through his or her spiritual allies. In my shamanic tradition, we journey to the three main worlds: Lower/ the underworld (Ukhu Pacha), the middle world (Kay Pacha) and the upper world (Hanaq Pacha).
Through this process of journeying, we can embody the wisdom we receive into our relationships and every practical aspect of our daily life. (Sandra Ingerman et al)
I use journeying techniques and my intention to access all aspects of the questions I want to ask. By spending time in nature or ceremony, a shaman is able to access and experience their ‘wild’ or ‘animal aspect’. When we can do this, we can become truly conscious of ourselves. When we step outside of time in nature or ceremony, we can detach from the constraints of being human. Then, we are able to really look at aspects of ourselves with greater perspective.
Humans are a part of creation and shamanism is our way of connecting with the whole.
Will Adcock.
Re-write Your Own Story
Re-writing our stories can help us to feel validated empowered and connected to the earth. It helps us to focus on the more positive qualities and processes we want in our lives and let go of any remaining heavy issues. It works very much in the same way as seeing or vocalising a positive affirmation on a daily basis.
Shamanism is not a course, but a life journey.
Alberto Villoldo
In the shamanic circle at Unity, we will be empowering and honouring our authentic selves and energy bodies through ceremony and journeywork. This is an invitation for you to fish in enchanted waters and begin the process of re-writing your story in a safe, therapeutic container.
May you walk softly on the earth, with beauty.
Shamanic Practitioner: Ali Rabjohns 2019.
Ali Rabjohns holds a monthly shamanic circle at Unity Studios: 3rd March, April 7th, May 19th, 2nd June, July 7th 2019, 7-9pm.
To book: